This allows User's to log in and return to the page they were asked to login for, not being sent back to index.php Open application top paste at bottom before ?> // if the customer is not logged on, set the page to return to upon login if ( (basename($PHP_SELF) != FILENAME_LOGIN) && (basename($PHP_SELF) != FILENAME_LOGOFF) && (!strstr($PHP_SELF,'create')) && (!strstr($PHP_SELF,'popup')) { $navigation->set_snapshot(); } ************************************** Open Logout.php Place anywhere if (sizeof($navigation->snapshot) > 0) { $origin_href = tep_href_link($navigation->snapshot['page'], tep_array_to_string($navigation->snapshot['get'], array(tep_session_name())), $navigation->snapshot['mode']); $navigation->clear_snapshot(); $link = $origin_href; } else { $link = tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT); } ****************** Thats all
